Brett Riches, Safeguarding Manager & DSO
Brett works Mon-Thu and every other Friday. He manages the Safeguarding Team, leading on casework and advice/guidance, responding to safeguarding allegations as required.
Gloucester Cathedral is committed to being a safe and welcoming place for all. The care and protection of children, young people and adults involved in the life of the Cathedral is everyone’s responsibility.
If someone is in immediate danger or risk of significant harm, please remove yourself from any danger, then immediately contact the emergency services by calling 999.
The Diocesan and Cathedral Safeguarding Team may be contacted using these details:
01452 835516 (Monday-Friday 9-5)
07944 680320 (out of hours Monday-Friday)
On weekends, you will be redirected to the thirtyone:eight safeguarding helpline
Find out more about thirtyone:eight hereClick here for more resources and informationBrett works Mon-Thu and every other Friday. He manages the Safeguarding Team, leading on casework and advice/guidance, responding to safeguarding allegations as required.
Melanie is the Assistant DSA and works full time. She supports on all areas of case work and advice/guidance, and also has a lead safeguarding connection role with Sportily.
Becca is the lead for all safeguarding training and learning and works Weds-Fri. Becca ensures training is delivered to a high standard within the national CofE framework.
Jess works Tues-Thurs and supports with training delivery as well as support for parishes on areas of learning/development.
Anna works Mon-Thurs and supports with advice/guidance via phone and email as well as providing direct support to parishes.
Gill is a volunteer and is the safeguarding lead for the Cathedral congregation. She can often be found in the Cathedral at services.
"Safeguarding is central to our Christian faith, reflecting God’s love for all. We are committed to making Gloucester Cathedral a safe, welcoming place for everyone, especially children and vulnerable people.
This means embedding safeguarding in our culture—not just as a policy, but as part of our values. We must build awareness, follow strong safeguarding processes, ensure safer recruitment and support victims and survivors.
By working together, we can make our community a place of safety, trust, and care for all."
The Very Reverend Andrew Zihni, Dean of Gloucester
The Chapter of Gloucester Cathedral regularly reaffirms our safeguarding commitment.
In line with the Church of England, we are committed to promoting a safer church and adhering to the National Safeguarding Standards.
This Safeguarding Resource Handbook sets out our commitment to safeguarding generally, the safer recruitment of all our staff and volunteers, ongoing training and awareness raising, and how we follow-up concerns.
Click here to read the Cathedral Safeguarding Handbook