Statement following the death of Her Majesty The Queen
Gloucester Cathedral and the Diocese of Gloucester were deeply saddened to hear of the death of Her Majesty The Queen. Our thoughts and prayers are with Her Majesty the Queen and the Royal Family, and we offer them our deepest condolences.
The Cathedral will remain open daily between 10.00am and 5.00pm (12noon - 5.00pm on Sundays) for those wishing to say prayers or light a candle or sign a book of condolence. Special prayers will also be said at services for the next two weeks. All are all welcome to attend, please see our website for full details. Books of condolence are also available in the Cathedral and online (via the Cathedral website) for anyone wishing to write a personal message.
A Memorial Service will be held at the Cathedral in the coming days - details will be announced soon. The service will also be live streamed on the Cathedral website and YouTube channel.
Canon Dr Andrew Braddock, Interim Dean of Gloucester said,
“This is a huge loss to both the nation and the Commonwealth and one which we will all feel deeply for a long time to come. In difficult and uncertain moments such as this, the Cathedral is open and available to all as a safe and peaceful place. We invite everyone to visit to say a prayer, join us for a service or sign a formal book of condolence.”
The Right Reverend Rachel Treweek, Bishop of Gloucester said,
“It is with deep sadness that we hear the news of the Queen’s death. As our sense of loss ripples out across the nation, commonwealth and world, we give thanks for a life well lived. Whether we met her in person, saw her from a distance, or simply encountered her in our homes in newspapers, on the radio or on screen, we knew her as our Queen. We also knew that her leadership and dedication to her people was rooted in her Christian faith.”
“As a follower of Jesus Christ the Queen embodied the call to love God and neighbour. And so in these days of sadness and sorrow may we reflect this same commitment in our homes, communities and nation as the Queen said in her Christmas Day speech of 1957 (the first one to be televised)”:
“Today we need a special kind of courage, not the kind needed in battle but a kind which makes us stand up for everything that we know is right, everything that is true and honest. We need the kind of courage that can withstand the subtle corruption of the cynics so that we can show the world that we are not afraid of the future.”
“Churches across our diocese will be open for prayer and reflection as we give thanks for Queen Elizabeth II and pray for Charles, our new King, the Royal family and the life of our communities, nation and Commonwealth. I hope that people of all ages will choose to come together in a local service of worship on Sunday at which prayers will be said. For details of your nearest church please visit www.achurchnearyou.com.”
“May she rest in peace and rise in glory.”
The Right Reverend Robert Springett, Bishop of Tewkesbury said,
“I join with Bishop Rachel in giving thanks for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s long and devoted service to this country, the Commonwealth and the wider world. This service was always underpinned by her Christian Faith and it is in that faith that we commend her into God’s keeping and pray for comfort for the members of the Royal Family as they lead the nation in mourning.”
Memorial Service
More details on the Memorial Service will be made available in due course. TV crews will be allowed to film the service, but space is limited, so depending on interest we may organise a press pool, to ensure footage is shared with all interested parties. Please get in touch with Ellie Fells, Marketing & Communications Manager at the Cathedral to make arrangements.
Filming and photography
TV crews will be allowed into the Cathedral to film people queuing up to sign book of condolence, however they must first seek permission from Ellie Fells. They must also take their own responsibility for introducing themselves and securing permission. Journalists are free to come to speak to people in the Cathedral Green but must take responsibility for introducing themselves and securing interviews.
Press Contacts
For more press information about the Memorial Service and remembrance activities at the Cathedral, or to arrange an interview with Interim Dean Andrew Braddock, please contact:
Ellie Fells
Marketing & Communications Manager
07748 870001
For more press information about the Churches response or to arrange an interview with Bishop Rachel and or Bishop Robert, please contact:
Lucy Taylor
Director of Communications & Engagement
07811 174125