Reflecting on Make A Will Fortnight, in partnership with Willans LLP solicitors
We were delighted to work in partnership with Gloucestershire-based solicitors, Willans LLP solicitors, for Make A Will Fortnight in October. As part of this scheme, the team at Willans LLP solicitors generously waived their usual will-writing fee in return for clients making a suggested donation to Gloucester Cathedral or to the Friends of Gloucester Cathedral. At a time of such financial uncertainty, we’re really pleased to have been able to offer our community the chance to create a will free of charge. Thank you to Willans LLP solicitors for making this possible, and to everyone who took part!
13 wills were drafted during the scheme, and it is anticipated that this will result in over £1,000 of donations to the Cathedral. As a charity that receives no government funding, we rely solely on donations and legacy gifts like this to continue our work.
Legacies can go towards various different areas, including continuing our Christian mission, ensuring our world-class heritage and music training can continue, and supporting our learning and participation work. We couldn’t do it without your support.
To find out more about how you can support the Cathedral by leaving a legacy, please click here.