Proposed New Cathedral Constitution
From 27 April - 25 May 2022, Gloucester Cathedral will be consulting with the community on the proposed new Constitution and Statutes, which are the governing documents of the Cathedral.
On 26 April we begin a process of public consultation with the community to hear comments on the cathedral’s proposed new Constitution and Statutes – the governing documents of the Cathedral.
Following the new Cathedrals Measure which came into law last year, every English Cathedral must prepare a new set of governing documents and apply to the UK Charity Commission for registration as a charity.
Via the links below you can view the proposed Constitution and Statues and also find an information note which describes what is changing and the process.
If you wish to submit any comments please contact the Chief Operating Officer, Emily MacKenzie
12 College Green, Gloucester GL1 2LX
To arrive no later than 5pm on 25 May 2022.
Information SheetThe Constitution The Statutes