Bishop Robert to become Interim Dean of Gloucester
We're pleased to share that, following Canon Dr Andrew Braddock's move to become the next Dean of Norwich, The Rt Revd Robert Springett will become the Interim Dean of Gloucester in January 2023.
We look forward to Bishop Robert deepening his relationship with the Cathedral until the new Dean of Gloucester is installed. Canons Rebecca, Nikki and Hilary will continue to provide leadership and support on a day-by-day basis and share the role of Vice Dean.
Robert came to Gloucestershire in 2010 having previously been a parish priest in Essex where he was ordained in 1989.
He has been an honorary canon of Gloucester Cathedral while serving first as Archdeacon of Cheltenham and then from 2016 as Bishop of Tewkesbury. As Interim Dean Bishop Robert is acting as an Episcopal Companion to the Cathedral community at this crucial time of transition as we wait the arrival of a substantive Dean soon after Easter. His focus is in supporting the pastoral and worshipping life of the Cathedral. He is working particularly closely with Theo Platt (Acting Chief Operating Officer) and Margaret Sheather (Senior Non-Executive Member of Chapter), as well as the wider Chapter. Bishop Robert is holding this responsibility alongside his responsibilities as Bishop of Tewkesbury.
Robert is married to Helen and they have two adult children.
There will be a diocesan Evensong to give thanks for Canon Andrew’s Ministry on Friday 6 January at 5.30pm. Andrew's last Sunday in Gloucester Cathedral will be on Sunday 8 January at 10.15am. All are welcome to join these services.